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Your visitor doesn't know where to download / find their photos

Step-by-step guide

Updated over a week ago

When your visitor doesn't know how to download / find their photos shot at your location, please guide him/her through the steps below.

Step 1. Take the GoPhoto - PhotoPass
Your visitors should have got the PhotoPass from the photographer at the location/event they visited.

Step 2. Go to Photo Website
Direct your visitor to go with their device (phone, tablet, computer) to the Photo Website written on the PhotoPass.

Step 3. Login with photo code
Your visitor has to fill in the photo code on the website and their email address.

Step 4. Agree with terms
Your visitor has to agree with the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions.

Step 5. Click
Your visitor has to click on ‘view your photos’.

Step 6. Download photos
Your visitor can download their photos by pressing and holding the photos one by one for 2 seconds, a pop-up will show up to save their photo. When they click on this pop-up their photo will be saved to their gallery.

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