How can I resend an order?

Step-by-step guide

Written by Lara
Updated over a week ago

Please follow the steps below to resend an order to your visitor.

Step 1. Login
Login to your GoPhoto - CMS with your credentials.

Step 2. Go to 'Orders'
Click 'E-commerce' in the menu and select 'Orders'. You see a list of all the orders made on your GoPhoto - Photo Website.

Step 3. Find specific order
Search for the specific order you want to resend. You can do this by filling in the information on the top of the page such as order number.

Step 4. Resend the order
When you've found the order, you can resend it by clicking on 'Resend'. A field opens where you can fill in the email address you want to send the order to. Click 'Resend' to resend the order to your visitor. 

Check the video below to get an impression of this workflow

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