CMS - Photos - Upload explained

How do I upload photos to the GoPhoto Cloud with the Uploader feature?

Milan avatar
Written by Milan
Updated over a week ago

Capture photos with any type of camera and upload them to the GoPhoto Cloud. Then assign these photos to your visitors with a unique photo code. After the photos are uploaded they are directly available for your visitors on your Photo Website and/or your print station. No more CD/DVD’s, USB flash drives or public photo galleries needed.

Key features

  • Generate a unique photo code for each photo set

  • Add existing photo code to a photo set

  • Assign upload batch to specific photographer to track results

  • Set a watermark/overlay to automatically brand all uploaded photos

  • Manage photo collections in gallery


To upload photos to the GoPhoto Cloud follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to ‘Photos’ and click ‘Upload’

  2. Connect the camera to your computer or enter SD card

  3. Select or drag and drop the photos you want to upload

  4. To connect the photoset to your visitors click ‘Generate new photo code’ or ‘add existing photo code’

  5. Select ‘Upload photos’ to start the upload process

  6. You are now ready to distribute photos to your visitors

To get an impression of this workflow view the video below

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