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CMS - Settings - Photo settings - Overlay & watermark explained
CMS - Settings - Photo settings - Overlay & watermark explained

Set an overlay and watermark to brand your photos

Written by Lara
Updated over a week ago

By adding a photo overlay you can brand your photos to the look-and-feel of your business. The overlay will be visible on the digital versions of your photos.

Key features

  • Brand your digital photos


To set an overlay follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to 'Settings' and click 'Photo settings'

  2. Navigate to 'Overlay & watermark'

  3. Choose your aspect ratio

  4. Click 'Add new overlay' and click the 'pencil'

  5. Drag and drop or browse your file

  6. Click 'Save'

  7. Select the overlay to activate it in your campaign

To set a watermark follow these steps:

  1. Click 'Add new watermark' and click the 'pencil' button

  2. Click 'Browse' and select your watermark

  3. Choose the scale, opacity and position

  4. 'Click 'Save'

  5. Select the watermark to activate it in your campaign

To get an impression of this workflow view the video below

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