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My photo is not being processed into the green screen backgrounds I've set up
My photo is not being processed into the green screen backgrounds I've set up

What to do when your photo is not being processed?

Written by Lara
Updated over a week ago

When you are shooting photos and you notice that your photos are not being processed please follow the steps below.

Step 1. Check if you logged in with the right photographer pincode

When you login with a 'regular' photographer pincode while shooting green screen photos, the software will not process the photo into a green screen photo. Make sure you have logged in with the correct green screen photographer pincode.

Step 2. Login to CMS

Login to the GoPhoto - CMS with your credentials and navigate to 'Settings' and select 'Photo settings', now click 'Green screen'.

Step 3. Check ratio of your backgrounds

Underneath 'Edit mode' you see that there are three different ratio options. Make sure that the green screen background you've set up is in the same aspect ratio as the photos you shoot.

Step 4. Change photo ratio or change background ratio

When the ratio of your photos don't match the ratio of the green screen, please make sure to change the aspect ratio of the photos in the menu of your camera or upload new green screen backgrounds in the right format.

When the photos you shoot are in the same format as the green screen backgrounds you've set up but your photos are still not processed, please contact the GoPhoto Support Team via the chat in your CMS.

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