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Operational Reporting

Information about the Reports page of your Campaign

Updated over 6 months ago

1. Intro

Your campaign at has the possibility to view and send reports of your operational results per day, week and month.

To go to your reports, navigate to Statistics -> Reports. By default, you will see the Monthly reporting page. Your monthly reporting will always be active and visible in your campaign. For the weekly and daily reports you need to activate the slider on their respective pages.

2. Monthly reporting

Unlike the weekly and daily reports tabs, the monthly reports tab is always active. Monthly reports will automatically be generated every 1st of the next month. So on February 1st, the monthly report for January will be available.

The table on the monthly reports tab will show the following data:

  • Date range: The date range that the report is holding data from

  • Generated at: The moment that the report was generated

  • Timezone: The timezone the report was generated in (this is set at admin campaign settings)

  • Download button: Function to download the report to your device

3. Weekly Reporting

The weekly reports are not generated by default. To activate them, go to the weekly reports tab and change the slider from Inactive to Active. When you switch the toggle to ‘Active’ the weekly reports will start generating.

Weekly reports do not generate retro-actively, the first report will be generated for the next week.

The table on the monthly reports tab will show the following data:

  • Date range: The date range that the report is holding data from

  • Generated at: The moment that the report was generated

  • Timezone: The timezone the report was generated in (this is set at admin campaign settings)

  • Download button: Function to download the report to your device

Deactivated state

If generating weekly reports was active but the user wants to stop generating new reports, they can switch the toggle back to ‘Inactive’. The previously generated reports will stay in the table but no new reports will be added. As the text states ‘Activate generating again to download new weekly reports. First generated report will be for the next week’.

4. Daily Reporting

The daily reports are not generated by default. To activate them, go to the daily reports tab and change the slider from Inactive to Active. When you switch the toggle to ‘Active’ the daily reports will start generating.

Daily reports do not generate retro-actively, the first report will be generated for the next day.

The table on the monthly reports tab will show the following data:

  • Date range: The date range that the report is holding data from

  • Generated at: The moment that the report was generated

  • Timezone: The timezone the report was generated in (this is set at admin campaign settings)

  • Download button: Function to download the report to your device

Deactivated state

If generating daily reports was active but the user wants to stop generating new reports, they can switch the toggle back to ‘Inactive’. The previously generated reports will stay in the table but no new reports will be added. As the text states ‘Activate generating again to download new daily reports. First generated report will be for the next day’.

5. Subscribing to Reporting emails

You are always able to download the generated reports from your campaign but there is also the option to receive the reports by email on a daily / weekly / monthly basis. Signing up for these emails is done at the Subscriptions tab.

The subscriptions tab shows a table with all subscribers within that campaign. The table of subscribers shows the following information:

  • Email: The email address of the subscriber where we send the emails to

  • First name: First name of subscriber

  • Last name: Last name of subscriber

  • Email frequency: What emails this subscriber receives

  • Edit subscriber button: Option to edit the subscriber

  • Delete subscriber button: Option to delete subscriber

Adding subscriber

If you want to start receiving reporting emails, a subscriber needs to be added to the campaign. To add a subscriber you need to fill in the email address, a first name and a last name. There is also a dropdown to select which emails this user should be receiving. The options are daily, weekly and monthly and you can select multiple options. When all the fields are filled in, click ‘Add subscription’ and the subscriber will be added to the list.

User validation

Every new subscriber that is added to the campaign will receive a validation email. In case the validation email was not received, you can resend the validation email via the button in the table. A popup will appear and once confirmed, the validation email will be sent again.

Once the email address is validated, the subscriber in the table will show a green checkmark and the option to resend the validation email will disappear.

Edit subscriber

When user clicks the button to edit subscriber, a popup will appear with option to edit the following values:

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Email frequency

Delete subscriber

When clicking the option to delete a subscriber a popup will appear, asking the user if they are sure if they want to remove the subscriber. When clicking ‘Cancel’ the popup will close without removing the subscriber. When clicking ‘Yes’ the subscriber will permanently be removed and the popup closes.

6. The Data in the Report file

The data report consists of two pages: Overview and Product Sales and is downloaded as an XLSX. Below you will find a detailed description for each section in the report and how the values were calculated.

When one of the following license features is active for a campaign, there will be no visitor and group count: Face Search, Live Preview, QR Website.

Therefore not all calculations can be made within the report.

6.1 Overview:


The header of the overview page shows the following information:

  • GoPhoto Report - [Frequency]

  • [Name of Account] - [Name of campaign]

  • Date range: [Start date] - [End date] - [Day / Week / Month]

Sales Overview

The sales overview section shows the following information:

  • The currency of the data

  • Revenue POS: Total revenue of sales at location (grabbed from CMS statistics - Sales)

  • Revenue Online: Total revenue of online sales (grabbed from CMS statistics - Sales)

  • Total revenue: Revenue POS + Revenue Online (grabbed from CMS statistics - Sales)

Sales Overview - POS

The sales overview - POS section shows the following information:

  • Average spend per visitor: Revenue POS / Visitors photographed

  • Average spend per transaction: Revenue POS / Amount of transactions POS

  • Group conversion: Amount of transactions POS / Groups photographed * 100

Sales Overview - Online

The sales overview - Online section shows the following information:

  • Average spend per visitor: Revenue Online / Visitors photographed

  • Average spend per transaction: Revenue Online / Amount of transactions online

  • Group conversion: Amount of transactions Online / Photo Website logins (grabbed from CMS statistics - System) * 100

General Data

The general data section shows the following information:

  • Visitors photographed: Amount of unique faces counted in the photos (grabbed from CMS statistics - Visitors)

  • Groups photographed: Amount of unique groups in the photos (grabbed from CMS statistics - Visitors)

  • Average group size: Visitors photographed / Groups photographed

  • Amount of photos uploaded: Amount of photos uploaded to the campaign (grabbed from CMS statistics - System)

  • Amount of photos printed: Amount of photos printed within the campaign (grabbed from CMS statistics - System)

  • Amount of transactions POS: Amount of transactions made at location (grabbed from CMS statistics - Sales)

  • Amount of transactions Online: Amount of transactions made online (grabbed from CMS statistics - Sales)

  • Total amount of transactions: Amount of transactions POS + Amount of transactions Online


The information section at the bottom of the report shows the following disclaimer:

“This report is intended for use in sales, stock and system insights. Do not use this report for accounting purposes. For accounting please visit All data in this report is confidential. Do not share it with anyone outside of your organization."

6.2 Product Sales:


The header of the Product Sales page shows the following information:

  • Period: [Day / Week / Month]

  • Campaign: [Name of campaign]

Photos Sold POS

The Photos sold - POS section shows the following information:

  • Products sold: An overview of all products sold at location, the product type, the amount of products sold and the total revenue (grabbed from CMS statistics - Sales & Order Kiosk - Products)

  • Products sold - Prepaid: An overview of all products sold at location via prepaid, free printing or free item. We never show revenue for these sales because there is no money transferred via our platform for them.

Photos sold Online

The Photos sold - Online section shows the following information:

  • Products sold: An overview of all products sold online, the product type, the amount of products sold and the total revenue (grabbed from CMS statistics - Sales & E-commerce - Products)

  • Products sold - Prepaid: An overview of all products sold online with coupons. We never show revenue for these sales because there is no money transferred via our platform for them.

Photo Sales Data

The data in the Photo sales section is ordered alphabetically and shows the following information:

  • Prints processed: The amount of prints made in the campaign, split in Order- and Manual prints

  • Backgrounds printed: An overview of how often each background was printed (grabbed from CMS statistics - System)

  • Print per photographer: The amount of prints made per photographer (grabbed from CMS statistics - System)

  • Upload per photographer: The amount of uploads per photographer (grabbed from CMS statistics - System)


The information section at the bottom of the report shows the following disclaimer:

“This report is intended for use in sales, stock and system insights. Do not use this report for accounting purposes. For accounting please visit All data in this report is confidential. Do not share it with anyone outside of your organization.


If you have any trouble with your reporting in your CMS, please contact us through the chat button in the lower right of this page.

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