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I can't login to the Capture-App

Troubleshooting article World Heritage

Updated over a week ago


  1. Check your PINcode.

  2. Check internet connection.

  3. Re-install the Capture-App.

  4. Log into the app.


Step 1. Check pincode

Check if the photographer pincode that you are using is the correct one. You can find your photographer pincode in the GoPhoto - CMS when you select 'Photographers' in the menu.

Step 2. Check internet connection

When the system doesn't have an internet connection you are not able to login to the Capture app. Restore internet connection and try again.

If the steps above do not work:

Step 3. Re-install the Capture App
Start by deleting the Capture App. When the app is deleted, go to the installer on the tablet. Search for GoPhoto - Capture App and install it. Then start the app again.

Step 4. Log in to the Capture app
Now log into the Capture app. Since you re-installed the app you have to make sure NOT to 'pin' the app, so you can give your camera acces to the app.


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